Thursday 2 October 2014

Fasten Your Seatbelt

Ha Jung-woo [trailer]

Fasten Your Seatbelt marked my first encounter with Korean film and after a thoroughly enjoyable experience, I will definitely be flying with them again. The film was a hybrid Comedy/thriller that took place almost entirely in the first class section of a Boeing 747 and somehow managed to keep me thoroughly engaged for almost two hours. 

The film features a small cast of absurd, quirky characters all stuck on a flight together and documents the inevitable comical interactions that occur when feathers get ruffled. Add to this scenario a thunderstorm that threatens their chances of landing safely and you have a film that manages to interweave both hilarity and terror so seamlessly into the scene that you don't realise you've gone from giggling to gasping until the danger has passed and you relax again into your seat. Starring a self-obsessed Korean film star escaping a front-page cheating scandal, the journalist who made up the story, a buddhist monk, the chairman of another airline, his feisty assistant and a random couple on their honeymoon and we are set up for a comical situation from take off.

What I thoroughly enjoyed about this film was it's use of colour in relation to mood. The film's aesthetic correlated perfectly with the tenor at any given point and is one of the more prevalent reasons it was able to switch between panic and peace so effortlessly. Despite working with a confined location, director Jung-woo  has managed to successfully manipulate his colour temperature, plunging us at a moments notice into either extreme comfort or extreme chaos.

Warmer tones for light-hearted scenes

Cooler tones for thriller scenes

All in all a film that demonstrates exactly how you can make a two hour plane trip confined to first class riveting. Hilarious, regardless of the language barrier, and full of beautiful light and frame manipulation that provides an engaging watch throughout.

Evidence of attendance:

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