Saturday 2 August 2014

An Introduction

Welcome to 'The Cinema Chronicles', a blog created out of necessity and continued (I hope) out of my otherwise unsatiated need to ramble on about the many opinions I have on just a few of the films I have devoured over the years.

Though this blog will probably never actually find itself reflected in the groggy gaze of any other late night blogger or professional procrastinator, I feel introductions are still in order.
So here we go,
1. My name is Tilly, Matilda if you're my manager or extremely frustrated parent
2. I am a young film student, studying and residing in Brisbane, Australia
3. My love of tea is outweighed only by my love of tea with biscuits
4. I dabble in a smorgasbord of interests, consisting of (but not exclusive to) music making/listening, filmmaking/watching, eating, cooking, travelling, reading, writing and, I presume, a virtual novel of undiscovered others.
5. If I had to live in any other era it would be the 1950's because I've spent far too much time watching 'Call the Midwife' with my mum on Sunday nights and thus have developed what some might describe as an 'overly idealised version of the reality' when it comes to anything involving hair rollers, black vintage bicycles and round-toed ballroom shoes.
6. Contrary to a popular misconception formed of the carefree woman, I don't like long walks on the beach, am too young to consume alcoholic beverages and would rather be safely out of the rain then attempting to re-enact a scene from the notebook by myself
7. I find it difficult to watch a movie or read a book more than once, a fact of which I am equally ashamed and proud of, depending on who I'm talking too
8. At the end of last year I vowed to adhere strictly to the concept of "radical honesty", a practice that concluded almost as quickly as it began when I realised that I not only restricted myself from telling a lie but also from exaggerating the truth, alas a habit that I couldn't bring myself to sacrifice. As a result I compromised, deciding instead to continue down the path of honesty with an allowance for creative license

I could go on and on, and as you've probably gathered, I could talk the hind legs off a donkey. To those who have made it this far, enjoy 'The Cinema Chronicles' and if, at any point, you find yourself questioning how you came to be wading through the amateur criticisms and loosely formed opinions of a 17 year old with nothing better to do, I invite you to further explore that notion before going back to what you should have been doing.

For now, goodbye.

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